Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

We celebrated Jake's first Halloween in style! He was all decked-out as a giraffe and we took him out to the neighbors houses to trick-or-treat. Really, it was to show off our adorable baby and see what the neighbors were offering as treats for mom and dad to eat. :)


Snow Mommy said...

How adorable! Hope you all enjoyed your first Halloween together!

Kate said...

He's such a cutie! I can't believe how fast he is growing. Glad you guys had lots of fun with Kristen there! Would you mind if I used one of those halloween pics on our blog when we post about halloween with the nieces and nephews?

talonandanna said...

what a cute kiddo! aren't holidays that much more fun when ya have little ones?!

Slesk Family said...

I just got your blog address from your mom. What a sweet little boy!
Don't you just love being a mom?
Can't wait to meet him when you visit Washington.

Holly said...

I think he is a great mix of you both. What an adorable giraffe. You are looking fantastic, by the way!

Maria and Ryan said...

Lisa, he's so precious! I love that baby! I wish I could cuddle him. Can you bring him to my house? :-) He and Marshall could be little baby pals.

P.S. I saw a pic of you snuck in there and you're beautiful as always! Congrats!