1. Add a comment on this post of a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me briefly or we go way back, just remind me of something that sticks out for you.
2. Next, repost these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's pretty fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave a memory about you!
that is TOO FUNNY! we did have some good times for sure. i recall that one well. i was just talking about freeway running the other day with a friend. i used to do it with the osburn twins and the reids all the time too. i have several memories... school involvement, stake dances, driving in the LV, athletic events... some of the qualities i remember thinking about you and still do are- intelligent, funny, good natured, sincere, likeable, punctual, goal oriented... i could go on. :) hope life is treating you well over in those parts! keep in touch.
I think one of my first memories of you was at Kristen's wedding in Washington and you were showing us pictures of all the hard work you were doing on your house. It was amazing the things you were doing together. I was really grateful to get to know you a little bit that trip. I remember on the way home telling Dave that I was now in love with his family too. I'm excited for the eternities of memories to come..
P.S. I'm trying to get Dave to share his favorite memory too, so we may post again later.
I remember us roller blading at the park. You were telling me how you and Brian were set up on a blind date and how you two were still keeping in contact despite the distance.
I also remembering you watching Hailey for me on such last notice while I went to get my hair extention crisis fixed, literally only a few hours before I was supposed to be getting proposed to!
Thank you again!
I remember when we high-centered your little Honda in the parking lot at Regency. Not so funny then, really runny now. And oh, so many more memories. Those were great roommate years!
Of course, I mean funny, not runny. Ew.
my favorite memories of us are, of course, laying awake way TOO late nearly every single night to talk girl talk...and also, of course again, singing acapella (is that how you spell that?) hymns together on Sundays.
and also, I seem to remember something about Kevin whatever his last name was, from Chatham #19...
Love you always!
I remember this one time you were convinced to eat a marble. How did that work our for you?
I remember posing in front of a bridge in St. Louis.
I love this idea!
I remember playing the piano for you and Kristen for singing in sacrament meeting.
I remember loving to hear you sing in our ward when you came home from college.
Jamie Slesk
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