The first snowfall of the season was this last weekend, and it was a blizzard. We got over a foot of snow on the ground and the drifts were much higher. Jake saw snow last year, but being so little wouldn't remember it. He had fun outside, at least until he got too cold. :)
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Little Drummer Boy, Snow Bunny, and Cookie Maker
The first snowfall of the season was this last weekend, and it was a blizzard. We got over a foot of snow on the ground and the drifts were much higher. Jake saw snow last year, but being so little wouldn't remember it. He had fun outside, at least until he got too cold. :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
Well, Thanksgiving morning 2009 came, and run a 5K race I did. I joined my friends Carol and Bruce, with about 500 other runners, at a beautiful state park on the North Shore for this year's Turkey Trot. The weather was great, energy levels were high, and I had a great time. I even beat my previous time, with this one being a much harder course. Maybe next year we'll make it a family affair.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Nap Time
Friday, November 20, 2009
Children's Museum
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October Updates
Jake liked the Elephants the best
with some of the loot he got from the neighbors...actually, this is the best picture showing off his cute monkey costume.
We couldn't resist the costume when we saw it two months ago...he's such a monkey that it was the perfect fit. :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Rub a Dub Dub
I think the kid likes bathtime, just a little bit. (Yeah, it's a bit grainy this time. Sorry.)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Latest at our House
"Horsing" around with Mama
One of Jake's new favorite activities--knocking over block towers.
Going down the giant slide with Daddy
On the carousel with Mommy
I know it's been a while. We manage to stay really busy and, yet, feel like not much has happened at the same time. The little Monkey had his 15 month check up today, and is doing great. Healthy and developmentally on target. He's still tall and thin but eats about the same menu that we do...including things like chicken tikka masala, hawaiian style pizza, spaghetti squash, cherry tomatoes from our garden, and grilled Alaskan halibut. Oh, and don't forget the M&M's. :) His vocabulary is growing every day, both verbal and signing, and it's fun to see him learn new words. I guess he does pay attention to what we're trying to teach him.
Jake's favorite things to do right now are walk around with the phone up to his ear, saying, "Oh" (his version of "Hello"), climb up on the piano bench and play songs for us, take off his socks and shoes, climb into and out of his stroller, and play "let's knock down the tower" with Daddy. (Thank you Cadance for the block set.) He has the hardest time waiting for much of a tower to be built before laughing with glee as he knocks it over. It's pretty funny.
We went to the annual carnival down the street (quite literally down the street) this last weekend with Jake. Last year he was mesmerized by the lights, and this year was big enough to go on some of the rides (with a parent by his side, of course). I took him on the carousel and he went with Brian down the giant slide. His expression was pretty serious/somber during the carousel ride, but I thought it a success because there weren't any freak-out tears either. I was too busy trying to get a picture of him and Brian on the slide to notice if he liked it or not. Life through the camera lens.
I think that's about it for now. At least all that I can remember. Hope all is well with you!
Welcome Addition
Jake says:
I am so excited to tell you about my new cousin who was born last week. Her name is Natalie Kate Robinson. Mommy shows me her pictures on the computer and I like to point to her and say "bebe". Natalie is so cute and little right now, I'd love to give her hugs and kisses. I can't wait until I'm a little bit bigger and she is too so that we can play together. (I hope that I'll learn to share my toys better by then.) Mama and Dada and I all love Natalie very much!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Downtime in Pennsylvania
Brian's parents own a small cabin in rural (read: very rural) Northern Pennsylvania. It's the countryside, complete with rolling hills, miles of corn and hay fields, and farm houses dotting the land. Growing up in the concrete jungle of Brooklyn, this was a place of respite, a haven for his family. Since we married nearly three years ago, Brian has been talking about making a trip out there, to share with me an important part of his childhood. For one reason or another, it hasn't worked out until now, so last weekend we packed up the car and headed West.
What a beautiful place (though it's so remote that I don't think I could ever find it on my own...unmarked dirt roads for the last five miles or so of the trip!) We had fun hiking around the property, Brian showing me what remains of what he loved about it as a kid (picture yourself with the imagination of an 8 year old boy out in the woods). The neighbors about a mile down the road are Amish, so I thought it was pretty cool to see them driving a horse and buggy (trying not to gawk and look like an idiot taking pictures--which I obviously did!)
We drove a couple hours further West one day and visited Pennsylvania's Grand Canyon...that's really what it's called. It's nothing compared to the one in Arizona, but it was a pretty, wooded canyon with a river flowing through it at the bottom. We hiked down to the bottom, with Jake in tow in the backpack, and then I donned the pack for the hike back up. I felt like I was backpacking on the Chilkoot Trail in Alaska again! Forty extra pounds going up a steep incline made for a great workout that day!
All in all, we enjoyed a much-needed getaway and would love to take advantage of going there again.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Philadelphia and Galileo's Telescope
Betsy Ross home...she designed and made the first American flag. Did you know that because the Colonies were still technically under British rule the making of the flag would have been considered treason had she gotten caught? Crazy!
I don't have any pictures of the exhibit because they wouldn't let us take any. It really wasn't much to look at compared to the telescopes of today, but when you consider that it was the first of it's kind that actually allowed a vision of the heavens beyond our atmosphere and revolutionized the scientific world back in the early 1600's, it's pretty darn cool. (Just in case you're wondering, the description of the telescope says, that "Galileo fashioned the instrument using two half-shells of carved wood bound together with copper wire, wrapped in paper, and varnished.")
Monday, August 31, 2009
Recent Random Pictures
An afternoon at the beach. He loves the sand but won't have anything to do with the water.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
For Sale
One toddler for sale!
One toddler for sale!
One crying and whining young toddler for sale!
I’m really not kidding,
So who’ll start the bidding?
Do I hear a dollar?
A nickel?
A penny?
Oh, isn’t there, isn’t there, isn’t there any
Someone that will buy this little kid for sale,
This crying and whining young toddler for sale?