Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I think I'm going to change his name to Dennis...

Dennis the Menace, that is!
(Of course, I let him get away with it solely for the photo op, but hey, what's a Mom to do? At least I can prove to him later on how much of a mess he created on a daily basis.)


Glenn and Natalie said...

Unless you are a much more vigilant mom than me (which I bet you ARE) then this will happen quite often. Find a nice little box to keep in the bathroom--it is easier to jsut dump all the TP in there and reuse it than trying to wind it all back up on the roll.

Man...he sure is cute! ;) How can you repremand a sweet little face like that? It's not as cute when they are 3. And also spread the toddler wipes across the floor. Or try to flush 30 of them down at once, covering the floor with have so many fun times ahead! ;)

denebug said...

I just pulled Isaac out of the toilet today. Apparently he fits in up to his chest. I did take pictures, but, oh, the ick factor. Good thing I had just scrubbed it out again this morning.

Christina said...

uh oh, Lisa, I think you're right, Jake may give Peyton a run for his money! It was good to hear your voice - Hopefully we will be able to get together, I was really looking forward to seeing you and Jake, but understand how crazy things are when you travel!

Rebecca said...

my girls have never been in to TP. now i've cursed myself i'm sure. However, I'm trying to still teach Natalie to get ENOUGH TP to wipe herself after she goes potty. she takes the smallest piece and balls it up into nothing and expects that to do the job. I'm just grateful she's good at washing her hands.

kado! said...

cute! That is the exact reason we used to lock our bathroom doors from the out-side when Q was small...we had a little key thingy that we would keep on the top on the door molding and use if we needed to go in (well that and to keep him out of other bathroom things too!)

Mhasyn likes to go and take little pieces of the TP and make "kites" or at least that is what he calls them! messes go...this one is nothin'!!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I'm sure our little scientist's intentions were just 'quality control'... to make sure you got your money's worth. Loving it!!

talonandanna said...

for sure- dennis fits! LOL he's darling lisa, getting so big and just wait it gets better and better. :)

Luella said...

My mother-in-law used to have a tissue box that she saved for Michael to take every tissue out(which he did almost every day he was with her). Luckily for us, she kept it at her house!