Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Fun 2013

Christmas...feels like oh-so-long-ago!! That's because I'm way behind with family updates. I promise there is always a good excuse, but...back to Christmas. We built a gingerbread house (truth be told, Costco was the architect and we were the designers), made cookies--both for ourselves and Santa, and were way too spoiled on Christmas morning.
Truths learned when making a gingerbread house: (1) there is never enough candy to put both on the house and in little mouths and (2) royal frosting does not taste good!

The finished product (and forever heard thereafter, "Can we eat the house?")

our little elf

decorating Christmas sugar cookies

She was SO intent and precise with the placement of sprinkles on her cookies.

All dressed up for church.

Beloved books

Mama made Makenna's babies a bed of their own

Bronco's Fan! (or it could be that he just loves the color orange)

The cutest little present among all the wrapping.

Enough with the pictures, already, Mom!

Boxes are more fun than the presents inside!

And, yes, she stayed in her pj's all day long.

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