Thursday, April 26, 2012

Visit to the Aquarium

Jacob had been asking for forever to go see "the sharks and the whales." We told him he had to fill up his sticker chart (staying in his bed once he was down for the night--about a months worth of stickers) and then we would go. Denver is the closest aquarium, and although there was a definite lack of whales (not a single one!) we all had a good  time. We saw a wide variety of fish, sea otters, sharks, giant turtles, and even a couple of live mermaids! Though Jake asks to go back, I think we'll have to wait for the Brooklyn Aquarium when we go visit Grandma and Grandpa. He just might see a whale of some sort there (or maybe it was a dolphin? I don't remember.)
 Makenna watching the fish
 "Alright, Mom. Take the picture already."
 The Little Miss hanging out in the stroller

Posing with Mr. Shark

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