Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Baby is One

One year ago today, a little, yet demanding, lump of flesh took his first breath of air. Though I'm still tired, sleepless nights, round the clock feedings, and lots of crying (for both of us, I'm sure) eventually gave way to a bright, active, happy baby who has never ceased to amaze us with all the things he continues to learn and do. When I was pregnant with Jake, he was such a busy-body, always moving around and kicking. He has definitely earned the nickename "monkey" because he still goes and goes and goes. A monkey he is and what a monkey we love.
So, Happy Birthday, Jacob Cole! Today we celebrate you, my sweet baby boy, and all that you have accomplished, and all the joy that you bring to our lives. And here's to the adventure we have only just begun!


Tippetts said...

Oh my word, what a cute cake! I love it! Nice job. Oh and Jake is ok too...j/k ADORABLE!

denebug said...

Wow, one year old already?!?
He's beautiful. Good luck keeping up with the little primate.

kado! said...

What a cutie...and a Super Cute cake!! Happy 1st Birthday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute. Time sure flies. Our Spencer will be in the Nursury in a few more weeks.

Rebecca Walsman said...

I need to figure out how to do a slide show like you did of your vacation. thanks for sharing, you have a beautiful family. that place sounds ideal. next time, can we come? nod wink.

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday! What a cute boy and a fun party! Time flies when you're having fun!