Sunday, February 27, 2011

February Happenings

It's hard to believe that the month of February will be done and gone in another few days. Though the days sometimes feel very long, the weeks surely fly by.
February always begins with Brian's birthday. He turned 46 this year, and since he requested an ice cream cake, I didn't dare put that many candles on it for fear it would become liquid. :) Jacob, of course, had to get in on all the birthday action, from "helping" Daddy open presents to blowing out the candles.

Jacob likes to draw on the whiteboard we have on the refrigerator. Sometimes the artwork is a joint effort, as with our family picture. He asked me to draw Daddy, then Mommy, and I added Jake and "baby sister" to complete the family. Obviously she's physically present in the picture (and I've lost all the baby weight), but hey, I can dream, right?

Since we spend just about every Saturday working on something in the house, we decided to take a break a couple of weekends ago and head to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Jake and I have been there a few times, but this was Brian's first trip. It was a beautifully sunny, albeit chilly, Saturday, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

 Wouldn't it be fun to really be this close to the elephants?!
 Brian feeding the giraffes--none of us have ever experienced feeding giraffes at any other zoo. Pretty cool. And here's a random tidbit of pregnancy information about giraffes (since I'm expecting and take note of such information)...Giraffes are pregnant for 14 months--poor mama!--and when baby is born he is 6 feet tall! I suppose it's all relative, since giraffes are extremely tall animals, but that's so big!

 Mama tiger and her cute little cub :)

 Jacob got to ride a horse all by himself and loved it! (It was really a pony, but Jake insists that it's a horsey. I guess if it looks like a horse and acts like a horse...)

Auntie Fra Fra came for a visit one afternoon, and the pair had a blast playing around in Jake's new bed. He still asks me when she's coming back to our house to play with him.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another First for Jacob (and Mom & Dad)

The crib has officially been removed from Jacob's room. It's "broken" right now in the baby's room, so no one can sleep in it. He's been sleeping well at night in his big boy bed for about three weeks, but would still choose to nap every day in the crib. The intent was to take the crib apart at the end of the month, and Jake would be done with it. Well, this last weekend he discovered that it was lots of fun to climb in and out of the crib. Not such a bad thing when you're just playing around, as the landing is soft. (The floors in our home are carpeted.) Last night we put him to bed, like normal, and went about our evening chores. All was quiet upstairs until about 9:30 when we heard Jacob cry out. Brian ran upstairs to check on him and quickly discovered that Jake's face was covered in blood. Somehow he had lacerated his eyelid (though we really didn't know the extent of the damage with his face bloodied the way it was.) Needless to say, we ended up going to the Emergency Room. He didn't end up needing stitches (thank goodness), rather the doctor used Steri Strips to tape the laceration closed. Jacob was a trooper through the whole ordeal, and was his normal, energetic monkey self for most of the day today. He'll have a nice shiner, and may have a slight scar, but he really was blessed to not have cut his eye (the picture doesn't really do it justice--it's a much cooler looking owie than the camara captured).
So how did it happen? It's still a mystery, as two year olds aren't the best at conveying important information. My best guess is that he woke up and decided he wanted to sleep in his crib instead of his bed. Tired and somewhat disoriented, he probably fumbled getting out of bed and ended up cutting his eye lid on the head board as he fell onto the floor. Of course, we'll never know for certain; but we made sure that he doesn't try and follow through with that grand idea again. And we hope that Jake's next trip to the ER doesn't happen any time soon.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh Mama!!

You asked for it. So here I am, in all my 28 weeks of pregnant glory! May the next 84 days go by quickly. I'm ready for the end to be here already.