Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Work Never Ends

When Brian and I were house hunting earlier this year, we decided not to consider homes that needed a lot of work. With a 2 year old and another baby in the plans, there just wasn't the time or energy for that. The house we purchased is by no means a fix-er up-er, but since we moved in this June, we have been working on one project after another. While the weather was still warm, we put up a shed in the side yard, chopped down about a dozen trees, and constantly worked on the landscaping. With winter here (most days, anyway..the weather is'll be in the 20's for a few days and then jump up to the 50's. I never know what to expect!) Anyway, our energy has been focused inside the house the last couple of months and though it feels like nothing is ever done, we are making progress. My dad flew out here the end of October and worked for two weeks to partition off part of our basement to create a storage room, as well as hanging french doors on the office, and putting in an additional closet in the master suite (don't ask why we need one...very poor judgement on the part of the previous owners is all I'll say). Five days after my dad left, my sister Kristen flew out here for a short visit to help paint. She worked her tail off to finish the three upstairs bedrooms and the kitchen in about 2 1/2 days. I was very impressed! And I am so happy to report that the mauve paint that was throughout this ENTIRE house when we moved in is about 75% gone. Happy day! Thank you Dad and Kristen for all your hard work. We loved spending time with you!

Jacob was Papa's little helper, always wanting to be in the way
(er, I mean "help". Do you like how hard they're working?) And Jake's plastic tools were never  good enough. He wanted the real thing...scary!

Kristen hard at work with the paintbrush. She painted her face just for the pictures. Jacob still talks about "Kristen messy. She paint her face."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sugar & Spice or Puppy Dog Tails?

We received a fun surprise this week. I went in for my regularly scheduled doctor's appointment on Monday, wanting to know when I could schedule our 20 week ultrasound appointment (I'm 18 weeks right now). The doctor matter-of-factly says to me, "Tomorrow, if you want to. Or next Tuesday. You're ready." (I guess the tech comes in on Tuesdays.) I was completely taken aback, as we didn't have the opportunity to see Jake on the big screen until 20 weeks.
So, after talking to Brian and making arrangements for a sitter for Jake, we scheduled the appointment for the next morning. What an agonizing 24 hours! I had baby on the brain. Would he/she have the right number of limbs? Would the heart look okay? Was it another boy? Would it be a girl? Would the baby cooperate and let us see?
After 45 minutes of watching our baby kick and turn and move around, we were finally able to see that SHE is a GIRL! Yeah! The knowledge is still sinking in: I have to remind myself I don't have to call her "the baby" anymore. And now I can dream and plan for this little girl to join our family come mid-Spring. (Oh, and the real reason for the ultrasound brought positive results too :) She appears to be healthy, growing normally with all her parts!)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Back in the middle of September we took the opportunity to travel across the mountains to Utah to meet my older brother's bride-to-be and spend time with cousins new and old. It was a wonderfully sunny weekend and we enjoyed getting to know our sweet new family members. The kids had a great time playing together and we loved spending time with everyone. (I know these pictures are really late in posting, but I thought they were too cute not to share.)

Monday, November 8, 2010


Halloween was super fun this year. Jake understood the concept of trick or treating, and though most of the time he whispered the words, he liked getting a treat in his bucket each time. He wouldn't let Brian or I carry the bucket for him as it got heavier...he made us carry him and the bucket! My little boy in his Spiderman costume surely was adorable, and the neighbors echoed our thoughts with many comments. One lady said, "You're so cute, you can have all of my candy!" And as two teenage girls followed up behind us at the door, the same neighbor teasingly said to them, "You're not cute, but I guess I'll give you candy anyway." 

Spiderman and his Daddy (though Jacob would tell you he was dressed as "Supe Man"!)

Carving Pumpkins

The little Monster hugging his monster pumpkin

Friday, October 29, 2010

Jacob says, "I have a secret!"

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Family Pictures

Brian, Jacob, and I had our pictures taken at Garden of the Gods by the lovely Joyana of Treasured Photos a couple of weeks ago and love, love, LOVE how they turned out. Let me know what your favorites are (the jury is still out as to which picture will take up prime wall space). Enjoy! (Sorry about the duplicates at the bottom--blogger has a new system for putting up pictures and I'm still trying to figure it out.)


Monday, September 6, 2010

Grandpa & Grandma and Uncle Gordon came from New York for a visit. They flew to Utah first and picked up Brian's 92 year old Grandma and then drove here to Colorado. Despite Brian's crazy work schedule that week, we had a great time. We went to Garden of the Gods (of course...that's our standard when people come to visit...probably because we haven't been to too many other places!), took in a Sky Sox game--AAA team here in the Springs--Jake thought it was a riot!, worked out in the yard moving rocks and trimming bushes, and filled our freezer with Grandma's special rolls (thank you again!). We can't wait to see you all again! Love you!
Gordon's expression is very fitting for the Garden of the Gods--majestic!
Quiet time with Grandpa

Little Monkey!

Making rolls with Grandma

Keep on Truckin'

For one reason or another, we find ourselves renting trucks on a regular basis. When Jake woke up from his nap one afternoon a couple of weeks ago, he found this BIG treasure in our driveway, and loved every minute of driving it by himself! :)

Summer Vacation

We had a great time in Virginia this summer! Lots of time in the pool, kayaking on the Creek (more like a lake, but that's what it's called), lazing in the hammock, eating crab, and playing with cousins in the Virginia heat. So good to spend time with family that we don't see often enough.

at the Fireman's carnival--Jake loved the fire engine ride

in the boat with Papa

I thought you had to be 16 to drive??

Jake and Papa asleep in the hammock

celebrating Jake's 2nd birthday, for the second time

Jake did so well in the kayak with his Daddy!

Great Papa, Jake, Nati, and Aunt Kate

Blowing bubbles with Papa

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Three Weeks in our New Home...

...and we've already had two visits from family, from opposite ends of the country. Aunt Ruth and Rachel drove a long way to spend a couple of days with us. Despite a quick bout of the stomach flu, we managed to have a good time. We went to the zoo, where we got to feed giraffes and I went with Ruth and Rachel to their first rodeo. Lots of fun! We can't wait to see you guys again.

Nana's Visit

Nana surprised us with a visit shortly after we moved into our new home in Colorado. What a saving grace she was! I had moved many times, but never of this magnitude, and was feeling so overwhelmed with the process of unpacking and making our house into a home. We're still a long way from being unpacked, but at least there is some resemblance to a home. It was so nice to have my mom here to share the workload, and Jake and Nana had a fun time playing together.
Thank you so much for coming, Mom. We love you!!

Jake had more fun with an empty box out in the backyard!

At Garden of the Gods--beautiful!

I did it!

Oh, the things you find when unpacking :)

Playing with Nana

A slide!

*I know most of these pictures are of Jake, but we really loved having Nana here. Thanks again!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Birthday "2" You!

It's the birthday boy!! Jake is such a little boy (no more baby, that's for sure) and loved the excitement of his birthday. He wore birthday hats from last years party for days leading up to the big day and still gets the biggest grin when you sing "Happy Birthday."
The child is in love with Elmo, so that was the theme of our party this year.

Don't ask how much dye (not the cheap stuff) it took to make red, orange, and black frosting!

All the little boys wanted to help with the presents :)

Jake loves the Happy Birthday song

Blowing out the candles
Hooray for friends!

Hooray for family!

Hooray for cake and homemade ice cream!

We love you Jacob Cole! Happy Happy Birthday!