Jake turned 7 weeks old yesterday. Though the actual day itself didn't contain much out of the ordinary, Jake decided to start and finish it with a bang. The morning started off with a HUGE diaper containment breach (I'll spare you the gory details) and then our sweet little son puked down my back when I picked him up off the changing table. Lovely, eh? My mother did warn me about making sure to have a burb cloth on my shoulder. LOL. And the grand finisher was (drum roll please...) his first time ever sleeping through the night. He went 7 hours without getting us up to eat!! Good job Jake!! (Though I'll tell you, Brian and I didn't sleep the whole night--getting up to make sure the baby was still breathing. LOL. The joys and stresses of being first-time parents.) I'm not holding my breath that he'll consistently sleep through the night from here on out, but it does mean we're getting closer to that time.
10 months ago