Friday, April 25, 2014

Kindergarten Fun

Jacob loves school, and with all the fun stuff that goes on, its not hard to see why. (He likes the learning part too.) At the end of February was the Hawk Hall Rush. It's a fundraiser where the kids (separated by grade) run the halls of the school--the only time this is allowed--completing as many laps as they can in the allotted time. 
I love the look of concentration on his face in this picture. 
After one or two laps, and getting enough pictures, I gave my camera to a friend and joined Jake in the race. The kid ran the entire 15 minutes and completed twelve laps! Way to go, little runner! 
His class hosted a dinosaur museum for parents and siblings one morning. The junior paleontologists had lots of dinosaur facts to share and had even built a small scale stegosaurus. We enjoyed our tour. 

A class play called "The Three Piggy Opera"--a very cute rendition of the story of the Three Little Pigs.

Jake's class did a geography unit that included a little rabbit named Felix. Each student sent their little traveling friend off somewhere, and then learned about the place when Felix was sent back to the class. We sent Felix to Washington to visit Nana and Papa. He came back dressed like a baseball player with lots of information and goodies about Bellingham & Whatcom County. Thanks again for letting Felix come visit!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Eggs

Easter weekend contained way too many egg hunts this year, which equaled too many chocolate bunnies and jelly beans. Not that the kids were complaining in any way, shape, or form!
At the Nature Center, where they had to find eggs with a specific picture on it (a great idea when there are a hundred kids involved).

Showing off the loot from our backyard.

Dyeing hard boiled eggs...too bad not many of them were eaten after we colored them.

Saturday, April 5, 2014