Our first official Spring Break. Nope, we didn't go anywhere. (I'm seriously amazed at how many families leave on vacation, like Disneyland vacation, during this break from school!) It was nice to have two kids home, because it meant a playmate for each other. Hallelujah!
The kids decided it was hilarious to dress Makenna up in as many of Jake's shirts and shorts as would fit. If I remember correctly, this little sumo wrestler had on 11 shirts (I don't remember how many shorts). Too funny.
An outing to the local zoo. Always fun, and always includes a ride on the Merry-go-Round.
Jake has art class at school, and one of his drawings was chosen to be a part of the District Art Show, which was on display to the public during Spring Break! It was titled "Cool Cat." He really enjoys drawing and coloring and it has been fun to see his skills progress this year. Go Jake!