Oh, the joy of a birthday! This must have been the magic year for my little man. He turned three years old and had three birthday parties! One in Utah with grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles and cousins, one at home with Mom and Dad, and his first party with friends. I know I say this all the time, but he is growing up right before my eyes and I can't believe my Jake is 3 years old already. He is such a sweet boy, helpful (when he wants to), inquisitive, and attentive to everything around him (unless PBS television is on--then I can't get him to acknowledge me at all!). He is learning and growing so fast, and amazes us every day with the words that he uses (in context, no less) and his ability to get just about anything he wants to. Though I've called him "monkey" since he was born, he certainly continues to live up to the nickname. :)
Happy Happy Birthday Jacob! We love you so much!